8 Must-Try Ecommerce Email Marketing Templates for Ecommerce Businesses

eCommerce Email Marketing Templates

Not any eCommerce entrepreneur can overlook the effectiveness of email marketing to grow business.

 Email marketing ensures that the correct email is delivered to the correct recipient at the appropriate time.

However, improving email effectiveness is among the most difficult tasks for an eCommerce email marketer.

On the other hand, engagement is critical to achieving your email marketing objectives, regardless of the campaign type. 

And, of course, ecommerce email marketing templates should be one of your top objectives in order to do this!

A cultivated email template is essential for increasing engagement and profit for your internet firm.

Email marketing is a highly personalized approach that is dependent on the activities & behaviours of your consumers. Therefore it has a 3800 return on investment (ROI). 

Marketers can leverage technologies and create strategic, high-performing eCommerce email marketing strategy rather than using standard emails. 

They’re also a terrific way for you to promote additional sales in the future.

This post will teach you about eight different sorts of emails that may help you build your business.

Before we start with the eCommerce email marketing template, have a look at a few recommended techniques that you should apply to your campaign.

Best Practices To Adopt For Email Marketing Campaign

First, as a basic rule, you should include unambiguous calls to action (CTAs) in your emails to ensure that they have an intent.

Next, rather than sending every email to each and every consumer, tailor emails based on historical behaviour and willingness to engage.

Finally, ensure your emails are automated so that they are sent in response to certain client activities.

Continue reading for more ideas on how to improve your future email marketing campaign.

8 Must-Have eCommerce Email Marketing Templates For Your Online Store In 2022

If you are about to start making an email template to run a campaign, then first, you will need an overall strategy for email marketing. 

One of those strategies involves a defining type of email that you want to send to your target audience.

Here are 8 of the prominent eCommerce email marketing categories you’ll want to utilize, ranging from welcome mail to cart abandoned emails to engage and convert potential customers:

Ecommerce Email Marketing Template #1 – Welcome Email Series

Welcome email template for eCommerce email marketing templates


When someone starts to interact with your business, they might expect to be welcomed nicely. Thus, don’t forget or neglect to make this first impression.

Therefore, your initial email should greet novel subscribers and provide an overview of your company.

A well-crafted welcome email may boost sales by up to 90%. That’s a tremendous benefit for such a basic email.

However, if you’re not cautious, it can be the last time readers open one of your emails. So keep an eye on your email engagement metrics to evaluate if your message is connecting with your recipients.

Lead the way for future contacts with your purchasers or new subscriptions with your first emails. Tell them what to anticipate from you and your company.

Although welcome emails do not have to be commercial, you may liven things up by providing a beginner’s discount with their first order.

Make your readers feel special by offering special offers and discounts.

Create just a few phrases that tell the narrative of your business, how you’re unique, something you have in common with customers, and why customers should be enthusiastic.

Ecommerce Email Marketing Template #2 – Abandoned Cart Email Series

Abandoned Cart Email

A follow-up email is sent when a consumer quits your website without purchasing anything from their shopping basket.

This sort of communication is frequently sent to consumers who abandon their carts halfway through the checkout process, and that can retrieve up to 10% of lost wages.

Creating a great abandoned cart sequence is among the most important eCommerce email marketing practices since Online shopping cart abandonment is 69.82% on average.

The effective emails to urge consumers to bring back to the online store and checkout frequently include “Free Shipping” or special offers for purchases above a specific amount, giving people more motivation to return and finish their order buying process.

You’ll simply send them a few gentle pushes to return and complete their purchases.

There are several methods to create an abandoned cart series, but the most basic sequence often includes three emails.

The first is delivered within 30 to 60 minutes of the cart’s abandonment.

Within 24 hours, the second email should be sent, and the third within 3 to 5 days.

To discover the ideal time and frequency for sending the next email, you may experiment and A/B test alternative timings or utilize automation.

Ecommerce Email Marketing Template #3 – Promotional  Email Series

Promotional  Email template

Promotional  Email Series

Welcome emails welcome & introduce readers to your brand and also encourage them to make their first orders. Promotional messages are designed to increase sales.

Promotional emails are the most prevalent sort of email. However, even when paired with a captivating deal, numerous emails fail miserably.

With this way of communication, you can be very innovative and launch campaigns such as flash discounts, special deals for Premium users, and special events such as Black Friday.

It not only makes visitors feel special but also makes them more inclined to buy from you again. Additionally, it also strengthens your relationship and increases sales.

It’ll be useful, specifically throughout festive and holiday offers.

Ecommerce Email Marketing Template #4 – Confirmation Email Series

Confirmation Email Series

Confirmation Email

Order confirmation notifications are similar to the invoices you give to consumers as evidence of purchase.

In the email, go through every element of the order. They also allow subscribers to reach them with any queries they may have.

These are the eCommerce emails that have the greatest open rate, which is about 64%.

This form of communication is known as a transactional email. It is emailed automatically when an order has been processed.

Order confirmation emails may serve a variety of objectives in addition to making clients feel safe when they purchase from you.

You can provide comparable product recommendations to generate a second sale.

You don’t have to push for another buy right now, and that’s something to keep in mind for the concluding eCommerce email.

With a confirmation email, you have the opportunity to contact a consumer who has already made a purchase on your website.

You’ve got a terrific chance to persuade them to buy from you again. Don’t let this chance pass you by.

Ecommerce Email Marketing Template #5 – Re-engagement Email Series

Re-engagement Email Series

Re-engagement Email template

It’s also critical to reactivate inactive customers and persuade them to buy from you again since this decreases the price of the building, gains fresh buyers and reduces the entrance hurdle.

You may urge a client who hasn’t visited in a while to remind them of all the fantastic moments you’ve had together.

Getting a new consumer is significantly more difficult and expensive than getting an existing client to return to your store.

Thus, you should track the record of all the previous customers and identify those who haven’t visited your eStore after purchase. 

And if there is a special occasion, then do not forget to utilize a personalized approach with a special offer.

You may send re-engagement emails in a variety of ways, including as a reminder, a follow-up email with a fantastic offer, or an announcement that you’ll be deleting or unsubscribing subscribers shortly.

To better nurture your customer connections, it’s important to track your email engagement stats.

This can help you figure out what design and content modifications you’ll need to make to better connect with your consumers and, as a result, increase conversion rates.

Ecommerce Email Marketing Template #6 – Referral Email Series

Referrals email template

Referral emails are a terrific way to get into your buyers’ networks and attract new prospects for your business.

It is an easy and low method of rapidly expanding your base of patrons by incentivizing current customers to suggest the eCommerce business to their relatives, friends, coworkers, and contacts.

As part of your referral program for business, it’s a beneficial email approach that drives a lead boost for your online store with the help of your existing customers.

You can offer free gifts, special discounts, and different referral rewards to engage your customers by sharing your brand to draw numerous new customers.

Well, while creating a referral email, don’t forget to add a referral link so that you can easily track the success of your campaign.

Ecommerce Email Marketing Template #7 – Product Suggestions Email Series

Recommended Product Suggestions Emails

Consumers admire receiving emails that are relevant to them. Also, consumers enjoy it when they find that you understand them and make personalized approaches for them.

To do so, leverage product suggestion emails are a terrific opportunity to do just that.

Visitors might be finding a specific product but end up shopping for a totally different one or much more extra stuff. It is because of the product suggestions.

These sales email templates are perfect because they can be sent at multiple different points in the shopping experience. 

Also, if your customers are determined to buy some products then send them a mail to showcase your best seller products and also what other people bought.

Ecommerce Email Marketing Template #8 -Thank You Email Series

thank you email template seriese

thank you email template

emails to foster stronger long-term client connections by expressing thanks and appreciation.

This email is sent to consumers after they do certain activities, such as signing up for your newsletter or purchasing something from you.

In essence, these emails expand the opportunity for engagement between businesses and customers, and so on.

Showing your enthusiasm becomes a great marketing approach if you provide them with a discount or a unique special offer to reward them for purchasing with you.

Following a pleasant customer experience, a reward will make your customers far more inclined to make a repeat purchase.

Thanking your consumers for their purchase expresses your appreciation and gives a more personable method of communicating with them.

As a consequence, such emails could effectively increase brand loyalty across audiences while maintaining personalization.

Final Words

After you first start out in the realm of eCommerce email marketing, it is indeed common to become overwhelmed.

However, this shortlist provides you with all you need to master the most critical types of email series for building your business.

Keep in mind to deliver value, really go for it with your design, and leverage urgency and the festive season to boost your sales.

Start developing your unique breakthrough series by taking these guidelines:

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