9 Halloween Marketing Ideas To Boost Your Online Sales In 2022

Happy Halloween 2021 From TemplateMela

Halloween is just a couple of days away.

Be ready to get dressed up for your favourite monster.

Everyone loves Halloween, and it is one of the most popular holidays. It not only pleases customers but also provides a wonderful opportunity for e-retailers to increase sales.

Every year, when Halloween comes, spectacular growth has been noted in the eCommerce world.

It’s a fantastic opportunity to grab.

In the meantime, eCommerce merchants can plan how they can sell more this Halloween week.

But it is obvious that they may not have brilliant Halloween marketing ideas to help them develop a strategy for their store.

Though, we have.

Don’t waste your time, you can do a lot such as stocking up on Halloween-themed items, social media campaigns, running holiday sales, and sending out special emails and offers.

Now, let’s just concentrate on Halloween marketing strategies that will help you get into the Halloween spirit and increase your sales.

Why You Shouldn’t Neglect eCommerce Marketing During Halloween

People began to await the excellent prices and offer at the start of Halloween month.

Halloween is actually advantageous for eCommerce since shoppers boost their activity and begin their Halloween buying.

October & November are the peak shopping season for customers, take advantage of this and prepare a surprise for your customers.

Go through these below 9 eCommerce Marketing tips for this Halloween.

1. Run A Promotional Discount

Who doesn’t love to shop when there’s a huge discount!

Everyone, obviously!

Offering a special discount on a product may be the most effective way to attract new customers and increase sales.

Customers are becoming increasingly sophisticated these days. Before making a final purchase, they compare products across various platforms.

Just be straightforward to sell your products.

The marketing hacks also include using upsell and cross-sell methods on high-demand products.

You can also create promotional flyers to attract your audience’s attention. Use free flyer templates to create eye-catching flyers and use them to run social media campaigns to increase your traffic.

These strategies have been shown to increase sales during the holiday season.

Halloween Marketing Ideas

As the holidays approach, you may want to increase your promotional efforts in order to attract more customers to your store.

2. Display Halloween Products On the Home Page

You need your store to look different from your competitors.

It is not enough to simply offer discounts; you must also do something unique, such as assisting your customers in selecting the best products on your website.

For example, you could place your best products or the products you want to sell this Halloween on the homepage of your store.

This way, you can catch your customers’ attention when they visit your website.

It may inspire them to purchase or present a gift to someone.

3. Optimize Your Halloween Website’s Mobile Version

People prefer to shop from their mobile devices rather than on their computers or laptops.

It means that there are more people using mobile devices compared to desktops.

The purchases from smartphones have increased dramatically in the last couple of years.

What does all this mean?

This indicates that more people use mobile devices more than desktop computers.

This will make your customer’s shopping experience easier by allowing them to use digital devices more easily.

4. Fill Your Social Media With Halloween Elements

Who isn’t on Social media these days?

Targeting social media platforms is an excellent way to boost your sales this Halloween.

People will use social platforms immensely throughout the whole Halloween week.

You need to switch completely to a Halloween theme and post pictures with a Halloween touch. Change the profile picture, too.

Here’s an example of you can create your post like this.

Halloween Marketing

Your visitors should feel the Halloween vibe when they come to your profile.

Moreover, you can notify your customers that something special is on its way, by posting a suspense image on a Halloween theme.

Use the latest hashtags of Halloween and all, you’re good to go!

5. Change Your Site’s Design To Halloween

Give your store a Halloween look.

It is the first thing you should do first. 

Put some scary elements to the categories, banners, sliders, products pages, etc. Or you could also change your store’s theme.

That’s how you can customize your store.

Allow your visitors and customers to experience the Halloween feel as soon as they enter your website.

However, you can install some of the scariest Halloween templates to give the perfect Halloween vibe to your customers.

6. Email Marketing With Halloween Theme

Email marketing is a great way to entertain your customers and promote your products at the same time.

Never underestimate email marketing. 

People read email, and if your email is creative and useful, it will definitely drive results.

Email marketing is 40 times more effective than Facebook or Twitter at attracting new customers.

Halloween-themed templates will make your customers share your joy and excitement for the holiday sale.

You will find many scary themes available in the market for your email Halloween marketing campaign ideas.

So just get the template, and you’re all set.

7. Halloween Touch To Mobile App

If you have an app in your store then make sure that you must add the Halloween elements to the app.

It is the perfect opportunity to add some Halloween elements to it. You should, in fact, give a Halloween look to your app icon as well.

Mobile commerce has surpassed desktop sales, and the numbers are expected to skyrocket in the coming years.

That means whatever you do, make it for your mobile app as well.

Furthermore, you can conduct exclusive deals and promotions for the mobile app.

You should also use Push Notifications to promote your Halloween Marketing efforts to the fullest extent possible.

8. Scary Gift Cards

Another way to add scary elements is to give gift cards.

People are in a rush to buy gifts for their loved ones during the holiday season, thus digital gift cards are in high demand.

By adding a festive flair to your gift cards, you will provide customers with more than enough reasons to acquire a gift card.

Using this addon, you can create your gift card templates as per your requirements.

Apart from this, you can also give small gifts when your customer purchases something from your store.

It leaves a pleasant shopping experience.

Giving small gifts will definitely bring your customers back to your store.

9. Engage With Other Businesses

Expand your network by engaging with other businesses.

You can do so by looking for events organized by a local organization that is timed to coincide with a holiday sale.

If no one has made plans, you could offer alternative special occasions themed around Halloween promotions and events.

Moreover, you can also become a sponsor in local events, festive gatherings, and more.

This way, you can present a strong vision that will help you significantly grow your brand image and value.

Hence, this is another excellent opportunity not to miss.

Start Applying These Halloween Marketing Ideas

Halloween 2021 is around the corner!

You must consider growing your eCommerce store’s sales while celebrating the festival.

Do not miss great opportunities like this. It is the best time to grab as many sales as you can during this peak holiday season.

Use these above tips and strategies to kick start your Holiday marketing with Halloween.

Happy Halloween!

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