Theme Styling
Appearance > Customize
You are able to edit:
- Color
- Background
- Typography
- Button

- Accent (primary) Color
- Accent-alt (secondary) Color
- Strongest ( heading) Color
- Strong ( heading) Color
- Medium ( Body) Color
- Subtle ( heading) Color
- Subtle Background Color
- lighter Background Color
- White or Offwhite Color
You are able to change:

1 – Set Site Background Color

2 – Set Site Background Gradient Color

3 – Set Site Background Image

You are able to set up the body background of your site:
- Select Background Repeat style (No Repeat/ Repeat All/ Repeat Horizontally/ Repeat Vertically/ Inherit)
- Select Background Size (Inherit/ Cover/ Contain)
- Select Background Attachment (Fixed/ Scroll/ Inherit)
- Select Background Position (Left top/ Left center/ Left bottom/ Center top/ Center center/ Center bottom/ Right top/ Right center/ Right bottom)
- Upload selected media
This section contains general typography options. Additional typography options for specific areas can be found within other sections. Example: For breadcrumbs typography options go to the breadcrumb section.

- You are able to customize:
- Body Typography = Base Font
- Heading Typography = h1 to h6 font
You are able to change like:
- Font-size
- Font-color
- Font-family
- Line-height
- Letter-spacing
- Text-transform
Here you can set the box rounded for the button.