You can customize Header-Account Here
1 – General Setting

Preview / Customize
- You can choose your account preview with logged in or logged out view
Logged in Options
Account Style
- You can choose different style for your account preview.
Account Icons
- You can choose different icons .
Account Action
- You can set account with dropdown or link
Dropdown Direction
- You can choose dropdown direction like left or right.
Account Item Link
- You can customize account item link
2 – Design Setting

Icon / Image size
- You can customize icon or image size
Account Colors
- You can customize account colors here.
Account Background.
- You can customize account background colors here.
Border Radius
- You can customize your button border radius here.
Label/Name Font
- You can customize your font-size , font-style , font-weight here.
- You can customize your padding here.
- You can customize your margin here.