Common installation issues
Fix: CSS Not Working
Occasionally some CSS may not appear immediately after importing content to your website. Below are a few common solutions to help with this:
How to fix it?
- Regenerating CSS: This can easily be fixed by going to WP admin > Elementor > Tools > Regenerate CSS. Then, you can clear the cache (WP cache and browser cache) and refresh the page. If this does not work follow next step.
- Update Elementor: Edit your home page with Elementor, make a small update and click the Update button to save your settings, then Regenerate CSS again.
- Clearing Site Cache: Check if you have any caching plugins on your site or any server level caching enabled. Clear those caches and check your site.
- Clearing Browser Cache: Clear Browser cache or check the site in a private/incognito window.
- Multiple Builders: If you are using another page builder alongside Elementor, it can override the content you have made with the builder and hence it stops from displaying the changes. To solve this issue, save the template and then add it on to a new page and it will resolve the problem.
Fix: Categories Not Working
Occasionally categories drop down may not appear immediately after importing content to your website. Below are a few common solutions to help with this:
How to fix it?
Go To WP Dashboard – Woocommerce – Status – Tools
- Clear template cache > Click on Clear button
- Product lookup tables > Click on Regenrate button
- Term counts > Click on Recount terms button
- Update database > Click on Update database button
Fix: Menu Not Working
Occasionally menu does not appear after importing content to your website.
How to fix it?
There are 2 Methods to fix missing menu:
Method: 01
Method: 02
Warnning: Your all data will be lost. Please take a full backup of website before using this method.
If you run into trouble when installing “Theme”, Please contact us for support.